Kim Moody

Kim Moody is an American-born writer on labor who advocates social movement unionism, a revitalized labor movement of mobilized and militant rank-and-file workers rather than business unionism structured from the top down and compromised by coziness with corporations.

In the early 1960s Moody was a member of the Young People's Socialist League and the Students for a Democratic Society in Baltimore, Maryland, writing an SDS position paper on "Organizing Poor Whites" for the organization's Economic Research and Action Project.[1] Within SDS, he was part of the Independent Socialist Clubs and International Socialists, writing articles and pamphlets on labor.[2]

From the 1970s to the 1980s, Moody served on the staff of Labor Notes magazine in Detroit, which he helped to found in 1979.

He now resides in the U.K. where he is a senior research fellow at the University of Hertfordshire.[3]



  1. ^ "Organizing Poor Whites," mimeograph, n.d.
  2. ^ Kim Moody, Fred Eppsteiner, and Mike Flug, Toward the Working Class: An SDS Convention Position Paper (n.p.: Independent Socialist Committee, 1966); Kim Moody, "The American Working Class in Transition," International Socialism, No. 40 (Old Series), Oct/Nov 1969; Kim Moody, Struggle in the Coal Fields (Detroit: Sun Press, 1974); Kim Moody, Don't Buy 'Buy American' (Detroit: Sun Press, 1975); Kim Moody, Battle Line: The Coal Strike of 1978 (Detroit: Sun Press, 1978).
  3. ^ The Nation


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